blog post

sorry not sorry, pt. 2 // blog post

Hello again! I know, it’s kinda wild that I’m actually posting again this close to the last blog. But here I am! I’ve been feeling very motivated today and so I wanted to finish this two part blog post about my September. Without further ado, let’s get into my third radio show of this year!

My third show of the year had the theme “time.” So, you know the drill, all of the songs had titles that expressed time in some way. Whether it was a year, month, day, or expression of a period of time that’s more vague, like tomorrow or yesterday (which is a song that I completely forgot to put on this playlist, but whatever). Since this blog post is really only going to be about this show in particular, I’m going to talk about ten songs from this show instead of my usual five. Here they are:

1901 // Phoenix
My friend Mya always makes fun of me about the amount of Phoenix songs I’ve saved to playlists I listen to on a regular basis. And honestly I don’t really blame her. It’s ridiculous. But in my opinion, Phoenix is one of those bands where all of their music has a relatively consistent sound, so if you like some of their music you probably like most of it. I think that this is one of the first songs by Phoenix that I heard (given that it’s one of their most popular that isn’t very surprising) and I still love it.

1972 // Broken Social Scene
Broken Social Scene is one of those artists that I always forget that I love. I got into them originally because of their song “Anthems For A Seventeen-Year Old Girl” that was featured in the film adaptation of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, which is easily my favorite movie ever. Once I started listening to their discography I was instantly hooked. This song is from one of their newer releases and I really love it.

After Hours // The Velvet Underground
When I was in high school, my brother, mom, and I were in Pittsburgh and visited the Andy Warhol museum before we left. It was one of the first art museums that I had gone to that had art that I was genuinely interested in and made a big impact on me at the time. When I got home, I started to read a lot about Warhol and that’s how I discovered The Velvet Underground. I started listening to them in high school and associated them strongly with Pittsburgh and how much I wished I lived there. Now I live there, and it’s very interesting to look back at that part of my life and comparing it with where I am in life right now. This song is tied with “Pale Blue Eyes” as my favorite song by them.

Always // blink-182
This song is considered one of the many contenders for my boyfriend Austin and I’s “song.” I had heard the song before he told me to listen to it, but it didn’t have any significance until I listened to it with him. Austin and I are in a long distance relationship, and have been for most of our relationship. I feel like it’s the perfect song for us to both dance to in the car and also listen to when we have to say goodbye so we can cry it out.

Before You Start Your Day // Twenty One Pilots
This is another song that reminds me of Austin. When I was in my senior year of high school, I went to visit him in Mississippi where he was stationed with the Air Force. He was really into Twenty One Pilots at that time– I mean, he always has been and is still, but at this time I think it was all that he listened to. We listened to a lot of their music while I visited him, and this was the song that I listened to basically on repeat on the flights home. Yes, I obviously love being sad and crying a lot. Yes, I’m a Pisces.

Each Coming Night // Iron & Wine
I feel like every indie kid has heard this song. It’s a very basic slow chill indie song and I love it for that exact reason. I never get sick of it because it’s just a very reliable song. Nothing much to say about this one other than it’s really good and if you haven’t heard it, I would recommend it!

Every Single Night // Fiona Apple
I also discovered Fiona Apple when I was in high school. I don’t quite remember how I stumbled upon her music, but I was very obsessed for quite some time. I vividly remember being in my drawing class and playing her on the AUX cord. I’m not sure why I thought that would be a good idea but no one in that class was into it except for me and my old man teacher. I forgot about her music for a while, until my friend Mya had me watch Across the Universe with her and one of her covers was included in it. I’ve recently started listening to her music again occasionally and honestly I’m sad that I ever stopped.

First Day of my Life // Bright Eyes
This song is one of my favorite songs for any mood. I can listen when I’m happy, sad, angry, nervous, anything. It always has my back. I also really love this song because I’m pretty sure my bird, Kirby, loves it too, because whenever I put it on he sits on my laptop and cocks his head. That one hundred percent means that he’s listening to it and you can’t tell me otherwise!! Also, this video of people listening to the song is ridiculously cute, so I would highly recommend checking it out:

(I tried to embed the video there, but if nothing shows up that means embedding through WordPress isn’t working again, so my apologies. Please tell me it’s broken and then Google the song and watch the video with people listening to it through headphones, thanks.)

Forever and Always – Piano Version // Taylor Swift
I decided to put this song in here because although you may know this song, you’re missing out on an amazing auditory experience if you haven’t heard the piano version. I feel like it completely changes the vibe of the song and puts me in my bag almost immediately in the best way possible.

Meantime // Chappell Roan
Last but not least is this gorgeous song by Chappell Roan. I first heard of Chappell when I went to see Declan McKenna in concert with my friend Marissa. She was the opener and I hadn’t heard her music before we got to the concert. I honestly don’t know what I expected but what I heard completely exceeded those expectations. Her voice is so amazing and I love all of her music. Definitely would love to see her in concert again someday!!

So friends, that’s all I have for you. The next time I write (which hopefully will be soon!) I’ll be talking about October and my shows in that time. Lots of exciting things happened in October, so be ready for that. Talk soon!

By Mya

Senior multimedia student interested in fashion, travel, food, books, and music

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